See what's new in the studio - February 2021
Snakes alive
Hello and welcome 2021.
We are all happy you are here and there is nothing like that fresh start feeling, to make my fingers itch to get into the studio. I have been working on a series of “Lake” prints but before I could get started on a new one I had to finish my bizarre snake dream print.
So…...this was a super vivid dream of mine about being in a jungle with faceless women who were gently handling a large snake between them. I was struck by the tenderness of their hands and tried to convey that in my print. I have no idea what the dream was about. I have since learned that it is very good to dream of snakes in relation to life wisdom,creativity and vitality. I definitely need a bit of the last one to sustain me through, how much longer of this Covid 19 hell?
Here's how it went

All drawn out, hands carved ready for first run through the press.
After this run, I pretty much had decided on the title.
Add first the color for the underbelly of my snake.
Ugh, now I’ve hit that ugly stage, when you think you’ve just ruined the whole thing. Press on, quickly..
hmm, not sure about this green, not looking very jungley
Ok, that is looking better. One more layer to go.
And done.....I can’t tell you how much better I felt getting this one “out of my system.” It was such a powerful dream that I actually got out of bed at 5 am bundled up and headed to my chilly studio in an effort to get this image onto paper. So thank you to the snake lovers out there for wanting to have this image on your walls. I’ve never really fancied reptiles as pets, but I said that about birds once upon a time and see how that turned out.
"Ghost Hands" is available in a limited run of 15 prints.